
Arsene Holds Raiola Talks Ahead Of £29m Deal – Reports

By on June 22, 2014

Arsene Wenger has reportedly met with the agent of Mario Balotelli this weekend to discuss terms over a potential £29m move to Arsenal.

The speculation over Balotelli joining Arsenal has intensified in recent days and he’s emerged as the most likely candidate to be our major striker signing this summer.

The Mirror are now reporting that Arsene was due to meet with the 23-year-old’s agent, Mino Raiola, over in Brazil this weekend to hold formal talks over a move to the Emirates.

The paper states that Balotelli is keen to return to the Premier League and want’s to move to London, and Raiola is understood to be confident a deal with us can be struck.

It’s another development on what’s becoming an ever-evolving transfer saga. Just last week reports claimed that Dick Law had drawn up a contract worth around £180,000-a-week for the striker, while further reports over the weekend suggested that AC Milan had agreed to sell the Italian international if a bid of £29m came in.

Who knows if this supposed meeting between Wenger and Raiola took place or what was said if it did, but it certainly seems like we have some concrete interest in Balotelli and I’d be delighted if he was signed.

He may not be the finished package just yet, but he’s a huge talent and would no doubt improve under the guidance of Arsene. This story is likely to drag on for a few weeks yet, so no doubt I’ll have more updates to bring you over the coming days….