
Infographic: Insight into FIFA football videos on YouTube

By on July 25, 2018

Football video content online is going from strength to strength with a growing number of fans taking to YouTube to watch clips of their favourite players or to watch highlights from a recent match.

The industry is booming and this interesting infographic by the guys at Filmora shows us that football-related views on YouTube have increased on average by 36% year-on-year with the largest spikes coming during World Cups, European Championships or when Barcelona play Real Madrid.

This summers World Cup in Russia drew huge interest from supporters around the globe and the most popular teams were Brazil and Argentina with fans no doubt watching videos relating to two of football biggest icons; Lionel Messi and Neymar.

Another undisputed legend of the game is Cristiano Ronaldo and it’s no surprise that Portugal were also one of the most-viewed teams on YouTube this summer with supporters watching clips of the former Real Madrid star.

Ronaldo was the most popular player in the Unites States and England followed by Messi while unsurprisingly Neymar was the most popular player in his native Brazil with rival Messi down in fifth place.

Messi [$111m], Ronaldo [$108m] and Neymar [$90m] are easily the richest footballers on the planet right now with Gareth Bale a distant fourth with a fortune worth $36.6m.

Music has become an important part of any major football tournament and Shakira’s official 2010 World Cup son ‘Waka Waka’ has amassed an incredible 1.9 BILLION views on YouTube the the 2014 version ‘La La La’ also approaching the billion mark.

The infographic also shows that worldwide brands such as Nike, Pepsi and Sony all spent millions during the 2018 World Cup trying to reach football fans via online video-related advertising this summer.

The most popular video content on YouTube includes match recaps and match highlights – which have grown 9-fold since the 2014 World Cup – while trick shots and skill videos have also become increasingly popular.

Check out the full infographic here:

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