
Team News Update: Wenger On Wilshere, Rosicky, Flamini + Ramsey

By on January 30, 2014

With all the buzz around potential transfers going on it’s easy to forget that there is a very important football match this weekend as we welcome Crystal Palace to the Emirates on Sunday afternoon.

Arsene Wenger has given Arsenal.com the latest team news including an update on Aaron Ramsey, Jack Wilshere and Tomas Rosicky, while he also took the time to clear up a slight misunderstanding regarding how long Mathieu Flamini is banned for.

Let’s start with the bad news surrounding Ramsey and Wenger has confirmed the midfielder is facing a number of weeks on the sidelines after suffering a set back in his recovery from a thigh injury. It’s hugely unfortunate as he was on the verge of a comeback and his absence is going to leave us short in the middle of the park during a crucial period of the season.

However, there is slightly better news regarding Wilshere with the boss confirming that although he’ll miss the Palace game, he should be back to face Liverpool next weekend. It will be a big boost to have Jack back so hopefully we can make do this weekend without him.

Thankfully it looks like Rosicky will be available after he recovered from his broken nose but one man who won’t be in the squad is Flamini following his sending off against Southampton. There have been reports suggesting he’ll face a four game ban after he served a suspension earlier in the season for picking up five yellows, however it’s been confirmed on Arsenal.com that the ban is only for three games.

It’s still a blow as Flamini will miss the games against Liverpool and Man Utd as well as this weekend against Palace, but at least he’ll return to face Liverpool in the FA Cup.

Here’s Wenger’s team news update;

on Wilshere (ankle)…

We have good news. For Sunday he will be short but he has a chance to be available for the week after at Liverpool.

on Ramsey (thigh)…

Ramsey will be out for longer because he had a setback and it doesn’t look too good. It is matter of some weeks for him.

on any other ins or outs…

Not from Southampton, we have no problems apart from Flamini who we lose through suspension. Everybody else should be available. We could have Rosicky back again for Sunday. He had problems after surgery on his nose. So we lose Flamini but we gain Rosicky.

With Flamini, Wilshere and Ramsey all missing on Sunday we’re going to be short in the centre of the park, so it looks like Oxlade-Chamberlain or Rosicky will have to partner Mikel Arteta in the midfield.

What team would you start this weekend?