
Report: Arsenal Ready To Table Improved £45m Suarez Bid

By on August 10, 2013

According to reports today, Arsenal are ready to submit an improved £45m bid for want-away Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, despite the Merseysiders insisting he wont be sold this summer.

Liverpool owner J W Henry released a statement on Thursday saying that Suarez would not be sold to Arsenal or any other club at any price this summer after rejecting our two bids – believed to be worth £35m and £40,000,001.

Arsene Wenger then responded on Friday by saying that Suarez remained a target and while we would have to respect Liverpool’s decision not to sell, he still hinted that a deal could be on the cards saying ‘if it will be done‘ and ‘at the moment‘ Liverpool do not want to sell.

He told Sky Sports News.

“There is nothing to add to what I said already about the transfer of Suarez.

“If it will be done, it will be done in a respectful and amicable way with Liverpool.

“I didn’t read (Henry’s) statements but we’ll be faithful to the way we want to behave.

“To make a transfer happen, you need the agreement of three parties – the buyer, the seller and the player.

“We know what we want to do. The player, if I look at the statements, (does) as well. Liverpool at the moment do not agree. If they change their minds or not, I don’t know. We’ll respect that.

“We are looking at possibilities to strengthen our squad. Suarez is one of the targets. If he’s not for sale, he’s not for sale, we have to accept that.

“Every club has its own way of dealing with things, we have our way and we respect all the other clubs.”

The Telegraph are now reporting that we’re going to back in with an improved £45m bid, which if true is unlikely to persuade Liverpool to sell. I feel it will require a bid in excess of £50m to even think about selling the striker to us.

Henry and Rodgers appear adamant they won’t be selling at any price but we’ve heard all that before, many times. We said the same thing about RVP, they said the same thing about Torres, and both were sold.

Suarez has made his position at Anfield untenable after publicly stating he wants out, so if they get an offer big enough, he’ll go. They’ve hinted already that the figure they want is around £50m-£55m, so if our £45m offer includes add ons we might have some luck, but I still think Liverpool will try and drag this out right until the last few days of the window and will do all they can to find a foreign buyer.

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