
Moyes Confirms United Have Made Improved Bid For Fabregas – Playing Games?

By on July 22, 2013

Manchester United appear to be pressing ahead with their ‘move’ for Cesc Fabregas after manager David Moyes confirmed the club have submitted a second offer for former Arsenal captain.

The champions tabled an offer of around £26m last week and according to Sky Sports News, the new bid is £30m plus add-ons but Barcelona are not going to make any decision until they appoint a successor to Tito Vilanova – who stepped down on Friday to continue his battle against cancer.

Speaking at a press conference today, Moyes confirmed the second bid had gone in and he hoped his deals would fall into place soon. When quizzed about the progress on Fabregas, Moyes told reporters:

“My understanding is that Ed’s had a response and he’s spoken with them [Barcelona] and again we’ve made a second offer. But Ed’s dealing with that, rather than me personally here.

“I think a point does come but I think when you are interested in good players you want to give it every opportunity to materialise.

“And I’ll do that. I’ll hope that things can continue to try to move forward.

“At this moment in time I Can only tell you that Ed Woodward is working hard to make the deals happen and we’re hoping some of them will fall into place shortly.” He told the Telelgraph

I really don’t know what to make of all this. The whole situation is rather odd. Surely United must know their chances of signing Fabregas are practically zero, so why the public pursuit? Why is Moyes openly admitting he’s made bids for him?

My best guess is he’s trying to placate the United fans and turn attention away from the whole Rooney-saga by making it look like the club are trying to bring in a world class talent in Fabregas. Or, he’s using it as a smokescreen to hide another potential deal.

My guess is United know they won’t sign Fabregas and they’re actually after someone like Luka Modric. He’d be far more attainable and Madrid are desperate to raise money to fund moves for Luis Suarez and/or Gareth Bale.

Fabregas has made it perfectly clear in the past that he’d only ever return to England to play for Arsenal, plus we have the whole buy-back clause, etc, so I think we all know United’s pursuit is going to hit a dead end.

Here’s my reasons why United WONT sign Fabregas

Sky Sports News are trying to push the whole ‘Fabregas to United’ thing down our throats like it could happen, but in their ‘reports’ they fail to mention we’re firmly in control due to our buy-back clause. If United have a bid accepted it activates the clause, Wenger would jump at the chance to re-sign him if Cesc wants out of Barca and the player will only ever leave them for us, so I don’t know what the fuss is all about.

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Do you think Fabregas would ever join United? Are you worried?