
Perez: “We Don’t Want Higuain To Leave, Arsenal Have NOT Made Any Offer”

By on July 8, 2013

Soooooo, yet another twist in the long-running Gonzalo Higuain saga and it doesn’t sound like good news Arsenal fans.

Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has now come out and dismissed speculation claiming the striker is set for a move to the Emirates and insists the Spanish club don’t want him to leave this summer. What’s even more worrying, is that Perez also claims we’ve not even made a bid for the 25-year-old.

According to Sky Sports News, the Madrid supremo said:

“We don’t want Higuain to leave.

“What’s more no-one from Arsenal has come to us and made us any offers at all for him. There are no offers on the table.”

This is completely contradictory to what we’ve been lead to believe by various media outlets over the past few weeks. First we were told that we were close to signing him, we were then told a £23m deal had been agreed and Higuain was understood to be on his way for a medical on Friday. Then news broke that suggested Madrid had upped the ante at the last minute demanding we pay nearer £27m and just this morning we read that Carlo Ancelotti was hoping to hold talks with the striker next Monday to persuade him to stay at the Bernabeu.

Do I believe what Perez is telling us? No. I feel this is all part of the game they’re playing. Far too many respected newspapers and journalists have claimed our interest is real and bids have gone in. I think the summary above is just about accurate and Madrid are now playing the whole ‘we don’t want to sell’ card in order to try and force us into paying their new asking price.

Remember, Higuain announced after Madrid’s final game of the season that he was off this summer and very little has happened that would change his mind.

Whats-more, Spanish newspaper Sport claimed today that Higuain is still determined to leave and has asked his agents to push through a move this week before he’s due to return to pre-season training next Monday, so let’s hope that report is accurate and we’re still in with a great shout of landing the talented striker.

If this all goes pair shaped and we end up either with no new striker or someone like Darren Bent, god help Arsene, Gazidis and the rest of the Arsenal board. As the Kaiser Chiefs once said: ‘ I predict a riot’

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What do you make of Perez’s comments? Do you think we’ll end up getting Higuain?