
[Tweet] “Bulls**t” – Piers Morgan sends message to Arsenal bosses after AGM farce

By on October 26, 2017

Celebrity fan and club shareholder Piers Morgan made his feelings clear to the Arsenal bosses after the AGM turned in to a farce this afternoon.

The club held it’s AGM earlier today and predictably it was a feisty affair with chief executive Ivan Gazidis, boss Arsene Wenger and chairman Sir Chips Keswick all coming under fire from disgruntled supporters.

Shareholders wanted to know why Gazidis was paid £2.6m this year, which included a £900,000 bonus, despite the club failing to finish in the top four and lagging well behind our rivals when it comes to commercial deals.

Gazidis was also quizzed about our handling of player contracts in wake of Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil being allowed to enter the final year of their deals while questions were also asked about the effects Arsene Wenger’s future had on the club last season.

Things started to turn sour when Gazidis was heckled by the floor after claiming that Arsenal are ‘over performing’ on the pitch in relation to our transfer spend over the years.

In unprecedented scenes, shareholders in the room clearly voted against re-electing Sir Chips Keswick and Josh Kronke to the board but they were still reappointed because they had the backing of major shareholders Kronke and Alisher Usmanov.

However, the AGM turned in to a farce when Keswick began to take questions from the shareholders as he refused to answer the first two questions before cutting the meeting short after being constantly booed and heckled by the supporters who wanted to know why Kronke hadn’t said a single word.

It was embarrassing scenes for a club like Arsenal to have to deal with, and life-long fan Piers Morgan certainly wasn’t impressed as he took to Twitter to say he ‘can’t be bothered to even comment on Kronke/Wenger/Gazidis’ excuse-laden, fake-promise, deluded, disingenuous outpourings of bulls**t”.

Morgan is very-much in the #WengerOut camp and has been extremely vocal of his feelings on Twitter for many years so it’s no surprise that he took aim at the club bosses after today’s events.

However, as many fans have pointed out, as a shareholder in Arsenal, perhaps Morgan should take the time to actually attend the AGM and state his position in person to the likes of Kronke/Wenger/Gazidis.

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