
Interesting update on Arsenal’s contract extension talks with super-star attacker

By on September 12, 2017

mesut ozil arsenal

According to reports in Germany via the Metro, Arsenal have broken off contract negotiations with Mesut Ozil and haven’t held discussions with his entourage since way back in February.

Ozil is in the final year of his current deal and his future has been in serious doubt for several months as he’s yet to put pen-to-paper on an extension.

The media have been reporting for some time that Arsenal chiefs have held regular talks with Ozil’s agent about a new deal with many claiming a contract worth in excess of £250,000-a-week has been put on the table.

We’ve been led to believe that it’s Ozil who’s been dragging his heels over signing an extension with the playmaker portrayed as a money-grabber who’s holding the club to ransom.

However, the Metro are citing a report from SportBild that claims it is in fact Arsenal who have broken off negotiations with Ozil and haven’t held any formal talks with the player since February.

I remember Arsene Wenger confirming during the second half of last season that talks with Ozil [and Sanchez] had been put on hold until the end of the season.

The boss suggested he wanted the players to concentrate on finishing the campaign strongly and not be focussed on their contracts while there were also the suggestions that Ozil wanted to know Wenger’s own future before committing to a new deal.

Wenger signed his new two-year contract at the end of May and we all thought negotiations with Ozil were picked up shortly after, however, SportBild claims that contrary to widespread reports, Arsenal are yet to make contact with his camp to restart negotiations.

The German outlet goes on to state that Ozil has NOT been offered a deal worth £250,000-a-week as Arsenal have not even pushed the playmaker about committing his future to the club.

If true, this is a fascinating decision by Arsenal and to be honest it makes very little sense as we’re running the very real risk of losing Ozil for nothing next summer.

The 28-year-old can discuss terms about a free transfer move with foreign clubs as of January and let’s be honest, his agent is probably already seeking out potential suitors both here and abroad.

If Arsenal don’t see Mesut as part of our long-term plans then why didn’t we just sell him in the summer? Perhaps we did try but we couldn’t find any club willing to pay a sizeable transfer fee on top of his wage demands?

It’s going to be interesting to see how things develop over the coming months but I still find it difficult to swallow that we’re set to lose arguably our biggest two assets for nothing next summer. It’s absolute insanity.

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