
Ratings: Mertesacker has shocker as Arsenal thrashed by Saints

By on December 26, 2015

Our title challenge took a major setback after a shocking performance and some questionable refereeing decisions saw us lose 4-0 at Southampton tonight.

The first three goals were all scored in controversial circumstances but that shouldn’t detract from just how poorly we played. We didn’t deserve a thing from the game.

These are my ratings:

Cech  5/10 – Poor off his line for some crosses, especially the Fonte header.

Bellerin  6/10 – Got forward but his delivery was poor. Given plenty of problems at the back.

Koscielny  6/10 – Unusually shaky but should have been awarded a free-kick for a clear foul in the build up to the second.

Mertesacker  4/10 – Shocking performance. Poor clearance for the first and was given a torrid time by Long’s pace all evening.

Monreal  5.5/10 – Caught out of position a few times and was given some problems by Mane.

Flamini  5/10 – Offered very little. Couldn’t get near the likes of Mane and slowed down our attacks.

Ramsey  7/10 – Played a couple of superb passes but Rambo and Flamini is not the answer in the middle of the park.

Walcott  5/10 – Struggled to get in the game and couldn’t utilise his pace.

Özil  5/10 – Marked out of the game by Wanyama and Clasie. Just couldn’t get on the ball at all and missed a decent chance late on.

Campbell  5/10 – Another who struggled to make any impact on the game. Worked hard to cover his full-back though.

Giroud  4/10 – Barely touched the ball. He had very little service but I didn’t see him making too much effort to find space for himself.


The Ox 5/10 – Put a couple of crosses in but not much else.

Chambers N/A

Iwobi N/A