
Photo: Arsenal Star Snapped Inhaling ‘Hippy Crack’

By on July 13, 2015

Arsenal star Wojciech Szczesny has hit the headlines once again for the wrong reasons after The Sun got hold of footage apparently showing him inhaling ‘hippy crack’.

The paper claims the Polish keeper was at a party in North London on Saturday and was videoed inhaling the nitrous oxide from a red balloon alongside a number of girls.

A so-called ‘fan’ – who was apparently at the party – was quoted in the paper as saying:

‘He was surrounded by girls who were all doing it. He got passed a balloon.

‘He inhaled from it and was laughing and enjoying it.

‘As an Arsenal fan, I am very disappointed.’

This isn’t the first time Szczesny has been in the papers for this kind of stuff so it’s likely that Arsene Wenger will be less than impressed with the 25-year-old.

In 2013, he was twice pictured smoking and he was famously fined back in January after lighting up in the showers after our defeat to Southampton on New Years Day. Along with his poor form, that incident led to him being axed from the first team.

It remains to be seen if the boss will take any action against Szczesny for his latest ‘scandal’ but in defence of the keeper, I have my doubts over whether this footage was taken on Saturday.

Szczesny joined the rest of the squad in flying out to Singapore on Sunday afternoon for our pre-season tour so I doubt even he wouldn’t be stupid enough to attend a party the night before.

The footage is probably from weeks ago but that doesn’t excuse Szczesny’s stupidity and I’m sure Arsene will take a dim view on this latest incident.

He isn’t the first Premier League footballer to be caught inhaling ‘hippy crack’ as both Kyle Walker and Raheem Sterling have been accused of using the legal high.