
Rivals Trying To Hijack Deal After Arsenal ‘Agree Personal Terms’

By on June 1, 2015

Reports today claim that Manchester United are trying to hijack Arsenal’s move for Southampton midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin.

Arsene Wenger is looking to bring in another midfielder this summer as Mikel Arteta, Abou Diaby and Mathieu Flamini are all expected to leave the club and Schneiderlin has emerged as the bosses key target.

We’ve been on the French international’s case for well over a year and reports last month suggested we were firmly in pole position to seal his signature with a deal thought to be close to completion.

There was even speculation last week suggesting that we have already agreed personal terms with the 25-year-old and were now just thrashing out a deal with Southampton – who rate the player at around £25m.

However, it looks like we’re now going to have to fight off some serious competition as the Mirror claim that Man Utd are trying to hijack our move.

Schneiderlin has already confirmed he wants to join another English club who can offer Champions League football. He told reporters:

‘Yes, I think my decision is made. I learned a lot last season. The goal is to stay in England. It is a championship that I like and where I have a lot of fun. If I leave Southampton, it is for a club that plays better than the Europa League.

‘There are ongoing discussions but nothing is done. But of course the Champions League is my goal. If I leave Southampton it will be for a club in the Champions League.

‘I have a two-year contract. If a club pays the right amount for me, it will be time to leave.

‘The amount? I have no idea but I will not leave for a small price. Southampton is known to be a good seller club, the price should be high enough.’

I’ve said for several weeks, if not months, that Schneiderlin would be my preferred midfield signing this summer so I’d be gutted if we missed out – especially to a direct rival like United.

Obviously United can match us financially so it would just come down to the players preference. Thankfully we have a heavy French influence in the squad and a great track record with developing French talent, so hopefully that will go in our favour.

Plus, we are guaranteed to be in the group stages of the Champions League whereas United will have to navigate a tricky two-legged play-off, so again hopefully this is something that will sway Schneiderlin towards the Emirates.