
Arsenal ‘Agree €14m Deal’ To Sign Long-Term Target – Report

By on September 22, 2014

Arsenal have supposedly ‘agreed’ a €14m (£11m) deal in principal to sign Real Madrid midfielder Sami Khedira in January, according to reports.

Khedira was one of this summers big transfer sagas with widespread reports linking the midfielder with a move to the Emirates, and at one point a deal did look on the cards.

But things fell through over his wage demands and Khedira ended up staying at Madrid, despite refusing to sign a new contract with the La Liga giants.

He’s now in the final year of his contract and will be able to sign a pre-contract agreement with foreign clubs in January ahead of a free transfer summer move.

However, the Express are carrying a report that suggests Arsenal have already agreed a deal in principal with Madrid to sign the 27-year-old for €14m (£11m) this winter, with Khedira being offered a weekly wage worth around £140,000-a-week, which would make him one of the clubs highest earners.

Obviously we should take these reports with a pinch of salt as we saw in the summer how the newspapers like to embellish stories, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we did renew our interest in Khedira in January.

Madrid are likely to be keen on cashing-in while they still can to prevent losing him for nothing next summer, and €14m (£11m) would be a real bargain for a player of his quality if we can get him for that sort of money.

Wenger has recently admitted he needs to sign a ‘physical presence’ in the middle of the park like former stars Patrick Vieira and Emmanuel Petit, telling French TV last week:

“I’m happy with the signings but we still need a physical presence with prodigious ability like Vieira or Petit,” he said.

Khedira would certainly bring some steel to our midfield but the only problem is his fitness issues and the fact he’s not an out-and-out defensive midfielder.

For those reasons, I’d prefer we went for Sporting Lisbon’s William Carvlaho or even Southampton star Morgan Schneiderlin – although it’s highly unlikely to Saints would sell mid-season.

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