
Wenger Confirms He’s After Defensive Signing But Rules Out Striker

By on August 21, 2014

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has confirmed he’s still open to strengthening his defensive options but it doesn’t look like another attacker will be coming to the club before the end of the month.

It’s clear we need to sign another centre-back following the sale of Thomas Vermaelen to Barcelona and Greek international Kostas Manolas has been strongly linked in recent weeks.

A defensive midfielder is also on the agenda as we need a dominant figure in the middle of the park and Sporting Lisbon’s William Carvalho looks the most likely to be signed in that area.

The majority of fans would also like to see another top class forward arrive before the transfer window slams shut, with Olivier Giroud coming under fierce criticism for his performance against Besiktas on Tuesday night.

The good news is that Arsene has confirmed he’s still on the market for players who will add to our defensive options, but judging by his comments that the only area he’s looking to strengthen which rules out the possibility of another striker being signed.

Arsene told reporters at his press conference this morning:

“We are not against that, no.” Wenger said when asked about signing a defensive midfielder

“If it’s a long-term injury [for Mikel Arteta] that puts us in a position where we have to be creative.”

“We are not in an emergency case but we are open to any opportunity to strengthen our defensive department,” source

I’ve said it for weeks, but I really don’t see us signing another attacker unless someone like Lukas Podolski is sold, which will be a real shame as to be genuine title challengers, I think we do need another top forward.

But if we could bring in Manolas and Carvalho we’d be in good shape, and we’d then have to hope Giroud steps up or Sanchez works as a centre-forward when Theo comes back next month.