
Arsenal ‘Will Trigger Strikers €38m Buy Out Clause’

By on May 4, 2014

The Mirror are reporting that Arsenal are set to make an audacious move to gazump Chelsea to the signing of striker Diego Costa.

The Brazilian-born hitman has enjoyed a sensational season with Atletico Madrid, scoring 36 goals to help the club to the top of the La Liga table and into the final of the Champions League.

Reports last week claimed that Chelsea had virtually sealed his signature after agreeing a deal in a London hotel following there Champions League clash at Stamford Bridge last Wednesday night.

Costa has a buy-out clause in his contract worth around €38m (£31m) and Jose Mourinho has agreed to meet that figure and offered the striker a five-year deal worth £150,000-a-week.

However, the Mirror claim that Arsene Wenger is now set to make a late bid to derail that move and suggest we too will meet the Spanish international’s €38m release clause and hope to tempt the player to turn his back on Chelsea and come to the Emirates instead.

If true, it’s certainly an ambitious move and although I’m not convinced we’ll be able to pull it off, it’s still good to read that the club are ready to spend big on world class players.

Chelsea have been on Costa’s case for months and a deal has probably already been agreed, so it’s going to be extremely difficult for us to hijack the move now.

Obviously I’d love to see us sign Costa and until things are officially signed with Chelsea, anything can still happen, but I’m not getting my hopes up on this one just yet.