
PHOTO: Podolski, Ozil + Cazorla ‘Mock’ Stoke With Rugby Gear Pic

By on March 1, 2014

An image of Lukas Podolski, Mesut Ozil and Santi Cazorla wearing rugby gear and holding a message saying “ready for Stoke” has been doing the rounds online this morning.

The hilarious image is an obvious attempt to mock Stoke, as they have a justified reputation for playing rugby rather than football, and has gone down very well among the Gunners support ahead of what’s always a tasty game due to the history between the two clubs.

It’s sure to rile the home supporters, but don’t worry Stokies, no need to get your knickers in a twist, the image is a fake! Like we’d send Cazorla and Ozil to play rugby against you. We’d send in the likes of Mertesacker, Koscielny and Giroud (if he’s prepared to mess his hair up) if we wanted to play you at your own game.

The original picture was from back in December as part of a link-up with Munster rugby team, and obviously some cheeky Gooner has decided to poke a bit of fun at Stoke ahead of today’s game.

Here’s the fake pic along with the original: