
Wenger’s A “Specialist In Failure”? Is Your Trophy Gold, Jose?

By on February 14, 2014

Jose Mourinho has hit back at Arsene Wenger and branded the Arsenal boss a “specialist in failure”.

The Portuguese coach was responding to Arsene’s claim that any coach who says their team isn’t in the title race are playing down expectations because of a fear of failure.

When asked why some coaches are ruling themselves out of the title race, Wenger said at his press conference earlier:

“It’s a fear to fail.

“If you’re not in the race you cannot lose it, if you declare yourself not in the race you cannot lose it, simple as that.

“I think just that our job is to be ambitious and to try to win, if we do not win to take full responsibility for that. That’s as simple as that and that’s how I see it.

“I say yes we are in it, yes we will have a go for it, we will absolutely give everything to go for it and if we don’t do it I will take responsibility for it, but I just see it like that.”

The jibe wasn’t directly aimed at Mourinho, but it comes just days after the Blues boss tried to claim that Chelsea weren’t front runners for the title despite beating Manchester City away last week and currently sitting top of the table.

However, in typical arrogant fashion, Mourinho has had to take it to a personal level and told reporters at his own press conference just now:

“The reality is he’s [Wenger] a specialist in failure. Because eight years without a piece of silverware, that is failure.”

“If supposedly I am afraid of failure it is because I don’t fail many times.”

Jose really is a despicable man sometimes. Arsene was pragmatic with his response and although it was indirectly aimed at Mourinho, it was a fair point when you consider how ridiculous the Chelsea boss is being when claiming his side aren’t in the title race. Their top of the league for f*ck sake, of course their in the title race! How stupid does Mourinho think we are?

He’s obviously just playing his childish mind-games but I’ve just watched the Mourinho press conference on video and it’s safe to say Arsene has got under his skin. I’ve not seen him this flustered for a while.

But I think he should have a little more respect for Wenger. Yes, we all know we haven’t won anything for 8 years, believe me, we hear about it enough, but there are some very good reasons for that drought. Put it this way, I’d love to see how Jose would get on if he had to oversee the building of a new stadium and make a PROFIT in every transfer window for six years to pay the debt off. Let’s see how much of a ‘failure’ he would become.

No doubt he’s a top coach and a born winner, but he’s not covered himself in any glory with this pathetic attack on Arsene. A specialist in failure, eh. How about you come back to us when your Premier League trophy is gold Jose, you arrogant pr*ck.