
Agent Claims Arsenal Have Agreed Draxler Fee – Wenger Responds After Coventry Win

By on January 24, 2014

It all kicked off on Twitter on Friday night as agent Jan Aage Fjortoft announced on the stroke of half-time during our clash with Coventry that Arsenal had agreed a fee with Schalke for Julian Draxler.

Former footballer Fjortoft is now a German-based agent and pundit, and is one of the more reliable out there having been the first to break the Ozil to Arsenal deal in the summer. He’s also proven to have solid information on several other deals in the past.

He sent out a the following tweet at half time:

Obviously this caused quite a stir on Twitter throughout the game with fans buzzing at the thought of us making another big-money signing.

Fjortoft was quick to play-down fans getting ahead of themselves and claiming it was a ‘done deal’ by pointing out we had just agreed a fee and there was still a long way to go until Draxler was an Arsenal player. For one thing, he doesn’t know if the deal would be completed now, or in the summer.

When asked about the reports after our 4-0 win over Coventry, boss Arsene Wenger said with a wry smile that he had no news. Now the last time Arsene looked like this was just before we signed Ozil!

Obviously the boss isn’t going to give anything away but the speculation is certainly building. Several newspapers, both here and abroad, reported during the week that we had sent officials over to German to hold formal talks with Schalke and now a reliable source is saying a deals been agreed. Add Wenger cheeky grin to this and things are looking positive.

But lets not get too excited, there’s still a long way to go…..