
Wenger: Walcott Out Till November, Cazorla Early Return Hopes Dashed

By on September 27, 2013

Arsene Wenger has given another injury update ahead of Saturday’s clash with Swansea – probably because we have so many to contend with at the minute.

Yesterday he confirmed Tomas Rosicky will be back next week and eased fears over Mikel Arteta by assuring fans the midfielder was only suffering from cramp when he was taken off against West Brom on Wednesday.

Today, the boss has given Arsenal.com an update on Mathieu Flamini, Aaron Ramsey, Theo Walcott and Santi Cazorla.

The big news from this mornings press conference was that Flamini and Ramsey were facing late fitness tests ahead of tomorrow’s trip to Wales. Flamini has a shoulder problem while Ramsey has a little thigh strain. However, Arsene believes they will both be alright to play.

Yesterday we also had some potentially good news with Santi Cazorla telling fans on Twitter he expected to be back in action against West Brom next weekend. However, Wenger appears to have dashed any hopes of an early return by claiming that the Spaniard is still on course to return after the international break, meaning he wont play again until the 19th October.

The boss also gave the latest on Theo Walcott’s injury and confirmed that the small operation he had on Wednesday was a success, before saying that he has an outside chance of being fit in three weeks, but will be out realistically for five.

Here’s what the boss told Arsenal.com:

on the latest team news…

Overall we don’t have any more injuries than we had before the West Brom game. Flamini has a small shoulder problem. Ramsey we have to check him today [Friday]. I believe that there is nobody really injured from the West Brom game.

on whether Flamini and Ramsey could miss Swansea…

I don’t think so. I’m quite optimistic about them. Ramsey has a little thigh problem but he should be alright. He has a test. He is going back to Wales, certainly, for him it is always special. But you know Aaron Ramsey is a tough boy. He has a test and I think he will get through. No [I wouldn’t want to take a risk on him].

on Santi Cazorla…

Santi Cazorla is on schedule [to return] after the international break.

on Walcott and how his surgery went…

As well as it could go. There were no complications. You know sometimes you open and you find an unexpected problem. It was very simple.

on when Walcott could return…

Optimistic, three weeks. Realistic, five.

Five weeks would see Theo ruled out until early November. That would be a huge blow, so fingers crossed he can recover quickly and be back after the international break.

Otherwise, it looks like players are slowly getting back to fitness and with any luck with could have Rosicky back for Napoli on Tuesday, and he’ll be followed by Cazorla and Theo in mid-October.