
Bids Rejected For Bender & Capoue, So Wenger Turns To This Man?!

By on July 10, 2013

Some distressing news today Arsenal fans with widespread reports suggesting Arsene Wenger’s interest in Manchester City midfielder Gareth Barry is genuine!

I saw some reports last week claiming we were interested but I chose to ignore them, hoping it was just ‘Silly Season’ in full swing. However, the Telegraph are one of several more reputable papers who’re saying that Wenger really IS in for the 32-year-old this summer.

Apparently we’ve already held advanced talks with both City and the player with a view to completing a £4m deal. They say that the boss has switched his attention to Barry after seeing bids for both Lars Bender and Etienne Capoue turned down this summer, and the City man is seen as a good short-term option as we look for central midfield cover.

If true, this is staggering. How could we go from tabling a £20m bid for one of the most promising midfielders in Europe (Bender), to trying to sign a washed-up has-been who’s legs went over two years ago (Barry)!?

We thought the signing of Silvestre five years ago was desperate but signing Barry would be another level entirely. Particularly given the fact we HAVE money to spend this summer. Wenger was forgiven for bringing in Silvestre in 2008 as things were tight back then, but there really is no excuse from scrapping the bottom of the barrel again this summer.

Surely, with all the talk of £70m warchests and us finally opening the purse strings to bring in top quality players, we should be aiming a little higher than Gareth f*cking Barry?!

I would honestly rather we kept hold of Coquelin and gave him a chance than sign Barry. Or even give Fimpong some game time. Let’s hope this move doesn’t happen, for several reasons…

Would you welcome the signing of Gareth Barry? Or do you think we should be aiming higher?