
Wenger offers Walcott & Oxlade-Chamberlain injury update

By on October 28, 2015

alex-oxlade-chamberlain arsenal

It was a nightmare evening for Arsenal last night as we were dumped out of the Capital One Cup thanks to a 3-0 defeat to Sheffield Wednesday and we lost two key players to injury.

Our pre-game preparations went out the window at Hillsborough when Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was forced off after just two minutes after picking up a hamstring injury.

Our evening then went from bad to worse when his replacement, Theo Walcott, limped off after just 15 minutes having suffered a calf problem.

The injuries certainly didn’t help our cause but the players didn’t look up for the game and Wednesday took full advantage to thrash us 3-0 and progress to the next round.

After the game, Arsene Wenger confirmed to Arsenal.com that the Ox and Walcott have both picked up muscular injuries but it’s too soon to say how serious they are.

The boss said:

Walcott is a calf and Oxlade-Chamberlain is a hamstring.

The injuries are two muscular injuries and the injury damage I do not know. You have to wait 48 hours for the scans to see how big the damage is. It was a bad night at the office, we lost two players and after that we were not good enough, but on top of that you have to congratulate Sheffield Wednesday. They put in a great performance, very resoloute, very dynamic and so they deserve their win tonight.

I’m concerned because our next game is a big game on Saturday, we have the Champions League against Bayern Munich coming up. Already we are now short. To lose two players tonight, two offensive players, is damaging for us.

We need to pray these injuries aren’t serious otherwise we’re in big trouble. Ramsey, Wilshere, Arteta, Welbeck and Rosicky are already out so our options in midfield and attack are going to be extremely limited if Theo and The Ox join them on the sidelines.

It looks like they’ll both be major doubts for Saturday’s trip to Swansea but let’s wait and see what comes out once they are further assessed today.