
Tweets: Ozil & Sanchez Express Excitement Ahead Of Monaco Clash

By on February 24, 2015

Some of the Arsenal players have been on social media this evening expressing their excitement ahead of tomorrow’s Champions League clash with Monaco.

Mesut Ozil and Hector Bellerin have posted messages on Twitter saying they’re looking forward to the game on Wednesday night, with Ozil claiming he ‘loves’ the Champions League.

Alexis Sanchez and Calum Chambers have also uploaded photos and message to Instagram as the player prepare to welcome the Ligue 1 outfit to the Emirates.

Check out what they had to say here:

Vamos Gunners mañana . Come on tomorrow ..

A photo posted by Alexis Sanchez (@atomhumber) on

Preparing for tomorrow's game!

A photo posted by Calum (@chambers1995) on