
TWEET: Ozil Hints At Arsenal Stay & Hopes For Quick Injury Return

By on October 13, 2014


Arsenal attacker Mesut Ozil has taken to twitter this evening to hint that he’s staying at Arsenal and hopes to get back on the pitch as soon as possible.

Reports in this mornings newspapers claimed that Ozil was ‘unhappy’ at the club and was looking to leave when the transfer window reopened in January, with Bayern Munich understood to be lining-up a £30m bid.

The German international picked up a knee injury during our 2-0 defeat to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge last weekend and the German FA claimed he would be ruled out for at least two months – although Arsenal have yet to confirm exactly how long they believe the 25-year-old will be sidelined for.

However, Ozil tweeted a short time ago to thank the fans for their support and to confirm he’ll be back playing again as soon as he can to help Arsenal on the pitch both ‘now and in the future’.

To me, this is a subtle dig at the papers and to hint that he isn’t looking to leave anytime soon, which is obviously great news.

We’ll have to see how long he’s going to be out for but there’s no doubt he’s going to be a huge miss while he’s on the sidelines.