
Mourinho Says Fabregas Didn’t Want Arsenal Move And Has A Go At Jack

By on July 19, 2014

Jose Mourinho has been talking bollocks again today after claiming Cesc Fabregas never wanted to return to Arsenal before making his move to Chelsea last month.

Fabregas asked to leave Barcelona this summer and we had a clause in his contract that meant we had the opportunity to re-sign him for a set price and must also be informed if any other club made an approach.

Surprisingly, Arsene Wenger turned down the chance to re-sign his former protege and Fabregas ended up moving to Stamford Bridge. Jose has now decided to speak out about the deal and claims that after a 20 minute conversation, Fabregas made it clear he wanted to join Chelsea and Mourinho claims he was never ‘open’ for a move to Arsenal.

“I spoke with him 20 minutes.”

“I think he really wanted to come to us.

“As you know Arsenal had an option to interfere. But I think he was not open for that, I think he was very much in our direction so it was an easy job for me.” source: Mirror

What utter rubbish. Maybe Jose should speak to Cesc before spouting such crap as the midfielder made it perfectly clear on several occasions his first choice was Arsenal and he held extensive talks with Arsene Wenger who explained he couldn’t find a place for him in his team.

The fact is, after we rejected him, he had little option but to choose Chelsea. Fabregas wanted to return to the Premier League and his girlfriend wanted to remain in London, so Mourinho’s side were basically the only move he could make.

Cesc hated Chelsea during his time at Arsenal and once said “you have permission to shoot me” if he ever played for them, and he despised Mourinho during his time in Spain when Jose was Madrid manager, so imagine how desperate he must have been to join Chelsea. You could see the pain in his eyes when he was unveilled.

Mourinho can say what he likes but he knows the truth and these comments are nothing more than pathetic mind-games from a man who’s desperately trying to live up to his ‘special one’ tag after a failed (trophyless) season last year.

His obsession with Arsenal continued as he then decided to have a pop at Jack Wilshere for smoking, basically saying he should be a better role model for kids:

“What football players do, millions and millions are watching, lots of kids are watching.

“I’m not a specialist obviously but I don’t think if a football player smokes one cigar or cigarette with friends in the summer when he is not training – I don’t think it affects his performance.

“What gets affected is that a kid at home says if a top football player can smoke then I can smoke and it is not a problem.

“It is more a social consequence than a physical consequence.

“Being angry is not a solution but I would just explain exactly that, that everything they do or wear is part of the kids’ life.

“If they smoke, maybe the kids think they do it a lot of times and they will probably do the same.”

Now I’m not saying I disagree with what Jose is saying here. Arsene said something very similar when Jack was caught smoking last year, but it’s basically none of Mourinho’s business.

When other managers have been asked about it in recent days, most said it’s up to Arsene to deal with or the more ‘old school’ managers have said there’s nothing wrong with Jack smoking, but Mourinho just has to have a pop.

Whatever anybody’s feelings are on the subject, it’s up to Wenger to deal with Wilshere and remind him about his responsibilities as a role model, not Mourinho. It’s none of his business. Ashley Cole has been caught smoking on numerous occasions over the years, did we hear Mourinho spouting off in the media about him every week?

If there is one team we simply have to beat this year, it’s Chelsea!