
Arsenal ‘Open Talks’ Over £35m Striker – Reports

By on June 29, 2014

There has been a lot of talk about our interest in Jackson Martinez in recent days and it looks like we’ve finally made our move with reports claiming that Arsenal have opened talks with Porto over the £35m hitman.

Speculation yesterday suggested that the Emirates had become the strikers ‘most likely destination’ – despite interest from all over Europe – with Arsene understood to be giving serious consideration to signing the 27-year-old this summer.

It appears the boss may have finally decided to make his move as the Metro are citing reports coming out of Portugal that claim we’ve made contact with Porto and opened talks about a deal to try and bring the Colombian to north London.

The original source is Portuguese newspaper Abola, who state that Martinez has told the press he would jump at the chance of joining Arsenal and has got himself a new ‘super agent’ to try and help push through the move.

The paper suggests that Arsene is hopeful of negotiating a deal lower than the strikers £35m buy out clause, but it remains to be seen whether Porto will be willing to do business at anything less than that figure.

You’d expect they will be keen to squeeze every penny they can out of a deal, but we also know Arsene won’t pay over what he values the player at, which doesn’t give me much confidence that a deal can be found.

Martinez would certainly bring a much needed goal-threat to our attack if he did join the club, as he’s scored 60 goals in just 89 games for Porto over the past two seasons, but it remains to be seen whether we’ll be able to find an agreement with the Portuguese giants.