
Wenger Not Impressed When Asked By Journalists About Fabregas Move

By on June 13, 2014

As the fall-out from Cesc Fabregas’s stomach-churning move to Chelsea continues, many Arsenal fans are keen to hear what boss Arsene Wenger has to say on the subject.

Most importantly, we’d like to know why he rejected the chance to re-sign our former skipper and who he has lined-up in the transfer market this summer.

Let’s face it, Arsene was under immense pressure to spend big BEFORE he turned down Cesc, so fans are even more expectant now and he’s going to have to bring in some marquee names to appease supporters who are disillusioned by the fact we’ve let one of the best creative midfielders in Europe join our rivals.

Wenger is currently out in Brazil working for French TV – and hopefully scouting some players. A couple of journalists bumped into him yesterday and bravely decided to question him about Fabregas’s move to Chelsea and it’s safe to say it didn’t go down too well.

Mark Bisson – who works for World Football Insider – saw Arsene outside the Sao Paulo stadium before last nights World Cup opener and eased himself in by asking about who the boss thought would win. The reply was short but when asked for his thoughts on Cesc, Arsene became ‘visibly irritated’ and simply said “please leave me alone”.

Next to bump into Arsene was the Mirror’s Oliver Holt and he too asked the boss about Fabregas joining Chelsea, to which Arsene said he had ‘nothing to say’ with the ‘wave of a hand’.

Arsene can be temperamental at times but he usually always has time for the media, so it’s interesting to see him flustered about this whole Cesc situation. He must have known there would be huge interest in why we rejected him so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he was asked about it. In fact, it’s only going to get worse over the coming days and weeks and in the end, Arsene is going to have to explain himself.

I think most of us know the reason; we simply didn’t need Cesc and Arsene wants to strengthen other areas of the squad, but we need to hear it from his mouth and he needs to reassure fans that a plan is in place to sign some world class talent this summer.