
PHOTO: Discraceful Stoke ‘Fans’ Planning To Target Arsenal’s Ramsey + Wenger

By on February 24, 2014

Disgraceful Stoke City ‘fans’ are planning to target Aaron Ramsey and Arsene Wenger this weekend.

We make the trip to the Britannia Stadium on Saturday afternoon and Rambo has been warned to expect a hostile reception from the home support after an image was printed in a Stoke fanzine with the headline “Okay Mr Ramsey….All bets are off”.

The Welshman’s career was almost ended by a brutal tackle fro Ryan Shawcross in 2010 and Ramsey has been subject to vile chants from the Stoke fans ever since.

After scoring against them at the Emirates back in September, Ramsey quite rightly celebrated in front of away end and it seems that’s not gone down too well.

The Stokies claim Ramsey should have ended the ‘pantomime’ by showing some class(!) with a muted celebration to show he’s willing to put it all behind him, but it says in the fanzine that……

“By running directly over to the travelling Stoke fans pointing, smiling and giving us the ‘shush’ finger you seem more than happy for this stupid situation to continue to be drawn out.

“Next time you play at the Britannia Stadium, let’s have no whining and trying to take the moral high ground when you get the kind of reception your actions have inevitably guaranteed.”

Ramsey won’t actually feature on Saturday, as he’s currently out with a thigh problem, but that’s not going to stop the home fans from targetting him. Several fans have taken to an online Stoke forum to plan what abuse they are going to dish out.

And Ramsey won’t be the only one targetted, as the home fans are also planning to throw abuse towards Arsene Wenger. Suggestions in the forum so far include:

  • giving Ramsey’s leg a minutes silence/applause in the 67th minute (the minute he broke his leg)
  • singing various songs like: “Arsenal Ramsey, we thought you were dead”,  “It’s four years ago, it’s four years ago, shut the fuck up now, it’s four years ago.”, “Aaron Ramsey, you’re a wanker”, and “he walks with a limp, Aaron Ramsey, he walks with a limp”.
  • getting the PA to announce: “Could Mr Aron Ramsey please collect his leg from the nearest steward”
  • doing ‘the Wenger’ (throwing your arms around – in reference to the incident at the Britannia last season).
  • aiming various vile chants towards Wenger and Arsenal in general.

If you have a spare five minutes, go check the thread out and read the vile rubbish for yourself: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/thread/227235/right-arsenal-game

It really is an utter disgrace that these people call themselves football fans. I really pray we batter them on Saturday. It’s just a shame Rambo won’t be playing so he could stick one past them and celebrate in front of them again.

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