
Arsene Wenger Reacts To Drawing Bayern Munich

By on December 17, 2013

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has had his say on the club drawing Bayern Munich in the last 16 of the Champions League for the second year running.

After finishing second in Group F, we knew we were in for a tough draw but were arguably handed the toughest of them all after being pitted against the currently European champions following Monday’s draw.

It was the same story this time last year, and we we gave ourselves a mountain to climb after losing 3-1 at the Emirates in the first leg. We stunned the world of football by beating the German’s 2-0 at the Allianz Arena in the second leg but it wasn’t enough to progress, as we were knocked out on away goals.

However, Arsenal are certainly a better team this season and Wenger is eager to see if we have learned our mistakes from last year and can go one better by beating Munich this time around.

The boss told Arsenal.com:

“It is the same draw as last year and we have a good challenge,”

“We have to be one goal better this time instead of being one goal worse and I believe it’s an interesting challenge because we have an opportunity to show we have learned from it. We have all to win and nothing to lose. We can show that we have moved forward since last season.”

“We are different and they are different. How much different are they? I don’t know but they look to play a bit more adventurously and more going forward, and we do as well I must say.

“We certainly have more offensive potential with [Mesut] Ozil coming in and we have to find our defensive security back which we have lost over the weekend, but it will be a very interesting challenge.”

As most blogger, fans and pundits have been saying, we have nothing to lose. Everyone is expecting Bayern to beat us. If they do, we can concentrate on domestic matters. If we beat the reigning champions, it will give us a huge confidence boost and we could go on to do something special this season.