
My Preferred Starting Team To Take On Norwich – Does Jack Make The Cut?

By on October 17, 2013

Premier League action returns this weekend and we welcome Norwich to the Emirates on Saturday afternoon.

It looks like we’ve come through the international break relatively unscathed. The major worry was Mesut Ozil after he was forced off while playing for Germany on Tuesday but Arsene Wenger has confirmed today that it was just a minor knock and he’ll have a late fitness test.

If there is any doubt, I say rest him. We have Borussia Dortmund coming up next week so Ozil can save himself for that game and give Jack Wilshere a chance to play in the No.10 role.

The 21-year0old has been forced to play out wide in recent weeks but with Tomas Rosicky available again, I’d like to see him on the left with Jack in the middle. Aaron Ramsey may have to continue out on the right with Theo Walcott still out and I have a feeling Wenger will continue with Flamini and Arteta in the middle.

The other option would be to drop one of Flamini or Arteta, play Rambo in the middle and give Serge Gnabry another chance on the right. But I’m not convinced the boss will go with this on Saturday.

Bacary Sagna has a chance of returning but again I’d like to see him rested for the Dortmund game. Carl Jenkinson is more than capable of filling in against the Canaries.

Santi Cazorla has returned to full training but Arsene hinted today that he might not start as he’s not yet match fit, so it’s likely he’ll get some playing time off the bench this weekend ahead of a possible start on Tuesday.

Here’s the team I’d like to see start:

This side should be more than good enough to secure three points and keep us top of the league for another week!

What would be your team?