
PHOTOS: It’s Not Just Jack – Ozil, Messi & Zidane Also Enjoy A Smoke

By on October 5, 2013

Jack Wilshere was under the spotlight on Friday after being caught smoking a cigarette outside a nightclub during the early hours of Thursday morning.

Many people, including Arsene Wenger, had their say on the matter with his boss admitting he was unimpressed by Wilshere’s actions and planned to have a chat with the midfielder as he was concerned not only about the effects on his health, but also on his reputation as a role model.

Others felt a big deal was being made out of something trivial and Wilshere seemed to suggest this when he posted a picture on his Twitter account on Friday afternoon of legendary midfielder Zinedine Zidane smoking. As if to say, if Zidane can do it, why can’t I?! And he has a point to be fair:

Well ZZ isn’t the only top player who likes a cheeky cig now and then. Our very own Dennis Bergkpamp was known to enjoy a smoke, Lionnel Messi has been caught in the act (below) while our new hero Mesut Ozil has also been snapped smoking (below). So let’s ease off Jack, shall we.