
Wenger Gives Injury Update On Walcott, Rosicky, Podolski & The Ox

By on September 24, 2013

Arsenal take on West Brom tomorrow in the League Cup and we’re going to be taking an injury-hit squad to the Hawthorns.

Boss Arsene Wenger has confirmed the bad news we brought you earlier that Theo Walcott wont play again until mid October after being ruled out with an abdomen injury.

The club revealed that Theo will fly to Germany on Wednesday to under a small operation on the injury and it will keep him out of action until after the next international break – which means his next potential game for Arsenal is on the 19th October when Norwich come to the Emirates.

Wenger said today:

 “Theo will be out for a few weeks. He has developed some damage to his posterior abdominal wall. It’s not a hernia, but it’s a little structural problem in his abdomen.

“He will have the procedure in Germany on Wednesday and, because it’s so minor, we can begin his rehab immediately. We are pleased it’s being dealt with quickly and he shouldn’t miss too many Arsenal matches. But he will miss the forthcoming international matches with England.”

Arsene also gave the latest on the fitness of Tomas Rosicky, Lukas Podolski, Abou Diaby, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Lukasz Fabianski.

It seems Rosicky will be the next back but he’s not expected to return to full training until next week meaning he’ll continue to be unavailable for the next two games against West Brom and Swansea.

After that it looks as though Podolski could be the next to return but he, Diaby and Oxlade-Chamberlain are ‘nowhere near ready’ according to the boss and he doesn’t expect the Ox back for at least six more weeks.

Fabianski is expected to start tomorrow night after Wenger confirmed he has overcome a ‘little’ problem, with Viviano likely to be on the bench.

The boss told Arsenal.com:

on Tomas Rosicky…

Rosicky is the first back [of the injured players], but not in time for this week. Next week we will start to speak about that. He could come back in the squad for Sunday or Monday.

on long-term absentees Podolski, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Diaby…

It’s fine, they are doing well but they are nowhere near ready. The next one back [of those three] might be Lukas. Alex will be one and a half months more.

on Lukasz Fabianski…

Fabianski will be alright [to start on Wednesday]. He had a nasal problem but he will be alright. Fabianski and Viviano are the two goalkeepers in the squad.

Our bad luck with injuries is well documented but it really is becoming ridiculous now. Theo’s injury leaves us with no senior wide men available to choose from during a busy period with key games in the league, Capital One Cup and Champions League. What other top club has that sort of problem to deal with?

But it opens the door for Ryo Miyaichi and Serge Gnabry to make a stake at a more regular first team place. They are both still young and raw but they are going to have to play a big part over the coming weeks. Let’s see what they’ve got!

What do you make of Arsenal’s injury crisis?