
Suarez Threatens Liverpool With Legal Action To Seal ‘Dream’ Arsenal Move

By on August 6, 2013

Luis Suarez is ready to take drastic measures to force a move to Arsenal this summer and is willing to take Liverpool to court for breach of contract, according to the Daily Mail.

As we should all know by now, Suarez believes Arsenal automatically triggered a release clause in his contract when we bid £40,000,001 two weeks ago, with the Uruguayan and his advisers claiming they have an agreement with Liverpool that would allow the striker to join a club in the Champions League should a bid of over £40m be submitted.

The Merseysiders dispute this, claiming they are under no obligation to sell at any price, leaving our bid to sign the controversial hitman in limbo.

The Mail say Suarez has been left furious by Liverpool’s stance and will now go to the Premier League to have them ratify the clause as he looks to force through his ‘dream’ move to Arsenal (I’m not sure I would call AFC Suarez’s ‘dream’ move, but that’s what the Mail have gone with).

It that fails, the 26-year-old will then look to take Liverpool to court if his legal team feel they have a case for breach of contract. The final option would be to hand in a formal transfer request, but this is seen as a last resort – presumably as the player wouldn’t want to lose his loyalty bonuses which are believed to be worth in excess of £5m.

Arsenal are sitting waiting to see how this whole mess pans out before deciding the next move, but the newspaper claims we’re reluctant to meet Liverpool’s £50m asking price as we’ve been led to believe by Suarez’s camp that we’ve triggered the players release clause already.

So we’re no closer to a breakthrough and it’s mind-boggling that this deal is being held up by an apparent release clause. Surely it exists, or it doesn’t exist?! There has been talk that the release clause was in fact a ‘verbal agreement’ and it not actually written into the players contract, which if true, would explain the current stand-off.

But a verbal agreement is unlikely to hold up in court, so I’m not sure where all this leaves us. We’re playing a very dangerous game here and if it doesn’t work out how we hope, we could end up without a big-name striker when the window closes.

Make no mistake, this Suarez saga is going to run right until the final few days of the window. Do we want to take that risk? Surely there must be a cut-off point when we either agree to pay the £50m or we say enough is enough and move to other targets?

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Do you think it’s time to give up on Suarez? Or is he worth waiting for?