
Fabregas Has No Intention Of Joining ‘Obsessed’ Man Utd Despite ‘Daily’ Calls

By on July 30, 2013

According to reports in Spain, Barcelona midfielder Cesc Fabregas has no intention of joining Manchester United this summer and has made his feelings clear to the club on several occasions.

United have been public with their interest in the former Arsenal captain in recent weeks and David Moyes has admitted they’ve already had two bids turned down and are considering tabling an improved third offer.

But they will be wasting their time according to Spanish publication Sport, as they claim Cesc has never had any intention of moving to Old Trafford and has told the Premier League champions on several occasions he’s fully-focussed on fulfilling his ambitions at Barcelona.

I’ve stated throughout the summer that United’s pursuit of Fabregas is ridiculous and it seems that’s turning out to be the case. Sport suggest United have an “unhealthy obsession” in trying to sign Cesc and have called his agent Darren Dein on a daily basis to try and persuade them to hold talks over a potential move – something Fabregas has refused to do.

They also suggest that United have been leaking false information to the British media to try and unsettle Fabregas and make it seem like Barcelona were interested in doing a deal and that the player was open to a move.  This is why Barcelona came out last week and publicly insisted that Fabregas isn’t for sale and even wrote to United to tell them so, while Cesc is understood to have met with new boss Tata Martino on Monday and made it clear there was never any truth behind the United reports.

I’m still reading rumours today claiming Moyes will go back with a third bid but it’s all for show. They know they won’t sign him. They just want to appear ambitious to try and appease disgruntled fans who’re worried about the clubs future now Fergie has gone. The same goes for their supposed interest in Bale. No chance. It’s Madrid or nowhere for him.

It’s all rather embarrassing really isn’t it? At no point did I ever buy into the whole ‘Fabregas-to-United’ rumour as I knew it was a non-starter from the start. If, and it’s a big IF, Fabregas wanted out of Barcelona he would come back to Arsenal. He’s said that many times before, we have a very tight buy-back clause and Wenger confirmed we’d be interested if Fabregas wanted a move, so there was never any chance he would go to Old Trafford.

But it’s still been funny watching them ‘try’…..

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Were you ever worried Fabregas would join United?