
Report: Fabregas Tells Friends He Wants Man Utd Move – Are They For Real?!

By on July 26, 2013

So, the latest report‘ doing the rounds this morning claims that Cesc Fabregas has informed friends he wants to quit Barcelona and move to Manchester United this summer.

United have been very public in their pursuit of the former Arsenal skipper this summer but their latest bid over over £30m was rejected by Barca – who wrote to the champions to make it clear Fabregas was not for sale this summer. However, United don’t seem to have got the message and David Moyes confirmed on Thursday that their pursuit of the midfielder was “ongoing”.

Sky Sports News claimed earlier in the week that Fabregas was ‘considering his future’ after Barcelona failed to give him the assurances he wanted with regards to first team football next season, and now the Daily Mail are reporting that the 26-year-old has decided he wants to return to the Premier League and link up with his old pal Robin van Persie at Old Trafford.

The newspaper suggests that Cesc has “told friends” in England he wants a move and is “attracted by the promise of regular football at United”, and although Barca remain adamant he’s not for sale, that could change if the player hands in a transfer request.

I’m not sure where to start with this so-called ‘exclusive’, the entire thing is utterly ridiculous. Cesc may be contemplating his future due to his lack of status at the Nou Camp but he won’t have his heart set on a move to United, of that you can be sure.

I’ve gone over my reasons why Fabregas wont join United many times – you can read them here if you want – but the simple fact is he’s a TRUE Arsenal man (unlike RVP) and has stated on several occasions he would only ever return to England to play for us.

‘Apart from Arsenal and Barcelona, I don’t see myself playing anywhere else,’ Fabregas told Sky Sports News in December 2011

‘I will definitely be going back (to Arsenal) whenever I have time to watch games and to see the guys, and you never know in the future, why not?

‘I hope I will stay here for a very long time, and maybe even retire here, but why not? In life, you can never say never, and if there is one place to go back to, it is Arsenal for sure.’

Is that not clear enough? Sure feelings can change over time, but the fact is Cesc HAS come back to the Grove to watch games and still keeps in regular contact with his old mentor Arsene Wenger – who he calls his ‘footballing father’. Do United really think Cesc will turn down the chance to return to Arsenal and work under Wenger again for David Moyes? I mean, seriously?!

The press can bang on about United’s interest all they want but the fact remains that Arsenal are in pole position if Barcelona want to sell, as we have a buy-back clause. The club worked extremely hard to get the clause in Cesc’s contract when we sold him in 2011 and it was designed so we would be in a great position to buy him at a reasonable price if he ever became available. Barca probably only agreed to it as they thought Cesc would retire there, but if the player pushes for a move this summer, you can be sure we’ll be front of the queue and according to Cesc’s own words – there’s only one club he’d every join.

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Do you think there is any chance Fabregas will join United?