
Jack Wilshere Gives Update On Ankle Injury

By on July 1, 2013

In the midst of all the transfer talk, it’s nice to take a break and get some good news regarding the fitness of one of our current crop of players. Today, Jack Wilshere has given Arsenal and Arsenal fans a major boost after confirming that his troublesome ankle is now ‘100%’ and he’s looking forward to pre-season.

The 21-year-old missed the entire 2011/12 season with an ankle injury that saw him undergo a major operation to place screws in his right ankle. He successfully returned to action in late October and just when he looked to have put his injury problems behind him, one of the screws began to give him trouble around March time and he was restricted to cameo appearances from the bench for the rest of the season.

Wilshere underwent a simple operation in June to replace the troublesome screw and in an interview ESPN, the midfielder confirmed the injury is now 100% and he’s looking forward to getting a full pre-season under his belt ahead of the new season.

ESPN: Let’s start with your ankle. How is it?

Wilshere: 100 percent. I’m really looking forward to having a solid preseason. I haven’t had one in two years, and once you miss it, you’re always playing catch-up. It’s a chance to show the manager that you deserve to be in the team and I think there’s going to be competition for a few spots. But that’s a good thing. If you’re going to challenge for trophies, you need a big squad. You can’t expect 11 players to do it every week.

Wilshere then agreed that boss Arsene Wenger had rushed him back a little too soon last season, but admitted as a player you always want to get back on the pitch as soon as possible following injury.

What did you think of Wenger’s comment toward the end of last season that he felt he rushed you back from injury too soon because the team needed you in the battle for the final Champions League berth?

I’ve always had a good relationship with the manager, as I did with Steve Bould in the youth teams. They both have been protective of me and told me not to feel pressure about coming back into the team until I’m totally fit. But as a player, you want to play every game, especially when those games can determine the success of your season. So maybe I wasn’t quite ready and it showed on the field.

Excuse the cliche, but Wilshere really will be like a new signing. You could tell he wasn’t 100% fit last season and hopefully this latest surgery has cleared his ankle issues up once and for all and we get the ‘real’ Jack back next year.

If we can sign a powerful midfielder to play alongside him (my preference would be Fellaini), with Cazorla just sitting in front, that will be one hell of a midfielder trio next season.